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Perez Hilton sucks balls, both literally and figuratively.
C'mon, Perez posts lame, sometimes made up shit as "Breaking News", why can't I? (although for the record, this news happens to be 100% true).
[ by Anonymous, 6/12/2006 --
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This is the only post I've read on your site so far, and I can already tell that it's more factual then PerezHilton.com!
I agree 100% with this post!
I don't think it would be possible for Perez to be any more gay.
The only way Perez could get any gayer would be if he had sex with himself.
However, I don't think even Perez is THAT gay.
Gender: female
an entire site dedicated to dissin' perez. i love it!
and it doesn't take 15 years for your comment to post on this one!
You say you won't be updating every day because you have a life?!
Creating a blog mocking someone you hate does not really support your theory. Do you seriously have nothing better to do?!
I'd suggest you put your energy into something more worthwhile as this just makes you look pathetic. It's not funny, it's not clever, it's just pretty sad and screams jealousy. You'd be better off just forgetting his website exists, never visit it again and stop letting it bother you so much. Or do you think this blog will help you achieve the popularity you never got at school? Awww too bad.
Go outside - it's nice there, I promise. Then again, I'm sure Perez is grateful for the extra publicity you're giving him.
I guess we can both be pathetic together then :) Maybe we are made for each other?
I wouldn't say I have a lot of love for Perez but it annoys me how people have so much hatred for him, and not for other bloggers who do EXACTLY the same things as he does. I guess I'm just one of those people who's all about the love, you know? Peace and love, I think that about sums me up.
I love the way you drop in there that you're a millionaire. Do you want me to be impressed by that? You would think millionaires would have better things to do with their time - I don't know, like go yacht shopping or something - instead of arguing with someone like me, of such "meek existence".
I'm a 22 year old university student, no 9-5 for me - but surprisingly I've still managed to scrape together enough money to fund my studies, buy my own house, a car, travel the world - and I still have enough left over to buy a newspaper everyday. So you know, I don't think I'm doing too bad.
And so just as you say I have no idea who you are, you indeed, my friend, have no idea who I am either - so do take into account your own comments before firing them back at me.
PS. I have a busy day of sitting on my sofa watching the World Cup and planning my next holiday so maybe we can carry on this banter for the rest of the day... it appears neither of us have anything better to do.
PPS. Oh and "Parisite"? How long did it take you to think of that one?! That's hilarious - and SO clever!
This site is even worse than Perez's....wow...I feel geeky reading blogs, but a blog on another blog? Thats just waaaaay too nerdy for me. I'll take a little biased Perez over Star Trek conventions anyday. Have fun losers.
Well I'm glad to hear you have plans - I am ashamed to say I do not as I had a bit of a hard night last night, so just more messing around on the net for me. Maybe I'll search out some other bloggers to annoy... that is of course until you get back. Don't worry, you'll always be my first. Alternatively I could exhert my energy into something more worthwhile...I could set up that site flaming you that you spoke about... :)
And as much of a hard ass that I try to come across as, I'm just a big softie really - so there was no intent to hate in my comments either. As I said - I'm all about peace and love, but you can't beat a good rant.
Oh and if you do ever want the white jacket you admire so much on Perez (you know you do) - just let me know, I'll drop by Topshop in London and pick one up for you. Yes... I'm from the UK. Congratulations, you have acheived international acclaim (or abuse...)
Enjoy the corn chips, nut scratching and Perez hating, I'll speak to you soon - no doubt on Perez's comment board because you know you can't stay away :)
Perez is crap and pretend he has news that are interesting ?! He never got any photos (other blogs have them first) and he steals pics from others and pretend he is the first one.
This poor guy is just pathetic and he hopes to be a celebrity one day (a blog celeb)he is a pretty sad case !
I have set up a blog but I havent posted anything as yet (I also have Firefox and the perfomancing extension - waaaay ahead of ya ;) ). I will get round to it someday I guess. Should do really, being a trainee journalist and all...
And damn right I should be your favourite poster. Who gives you abuse better than me?!
Have a good breakfast, I'm going to go and eat my dinner. Toodles! ;)
why do you guys sound like perez fans?
i feel really lame for actually reading all those comments. no more drugs
oh man this is so awesome!
I'm digging the site. Perez has become more of a whore to the celebs than a gossip blogger nowadays. He used to be all right, but now he cares more about getting into parties with celebs who are only nice to him because they don't want to be bashed on his site...which I guess also means, they are pretty pathetic to care what he says...no matter though!
Not a good idea to "claim" you are a millionare though, it makes your credibility of actually being one go down. Not many rich people (although a million isn't overly rich nowadays) brag about the fact they have money. Also, unfortunately, you are only making Perez more popular, well, not popular, but more well-known by making this site.
But regardless of anything I said above, I am glad someone is finally dissing Perez. So nice job!
Boys boys... c'mon. Can't we all just get along?
I am glad that somebody did this, I have been mulling over the idea of starting a blog to muse over the antics of not only Perez, but all of these other people who clearly do not know what to do with their money.
Unfortunately, like a bad case of chicken pox that I keep scratching until I scab, I am addicted in a sick sort of way to Mario's site. Not because he has any "real" news (but again is gossip mongoring "news") but mostly because it is humourous to me.
Why is it humourous? Because he is SO full of himself no wonder he is as tubby as he is. Because I think that his tongue must have sores on it from all of that ass licking it does. Because it is sooo clear that the "celebrity" friends that he has just want good press. I haven't read any news on his site, that isn't offered on some other gossip sites first. The only firsts he posts are the ones where he is involved, and that isn't news, that is just some dude at a party showing pictures of himself with his "friends". Totally lame.
Still, like any addict, I keep going back to see what trash comes out of Marios mouth.
I might be jealous that Perez funds an apartment on each side of the country, however I wouldn't sell my soul to get that.
I don't like him or hate him. I just think that he thinks that he is way cooler than he actually is, and for some reason, that annoys me.The only original thing he has done is...hmmm....yea. I guess there isn't any originality.
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