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A taste of the REAL Perez |
Tonight I decided to do a bit of sleuthing for information on our friend Perez (aka. Maria, I mean Mario Lavandeira), and let me tell you, it didn't take long to find some interesting stuff on the guy.
Although these articles might not be news to some of you, I figured I'd still post them just in case some of you are out of the loop on Perez's dickhead antics over the past year (as I was not all that long ago).
If you have any other articles like this on Perez, just post a comment with the link!
- Even though Gawker.com is a blog itself (a popular blog for daily news and gossip in Manhattan), after seeing what a cocky dickwad Perez Hilton is, they said this:
"Today, though, we realized that we’re wrong. Bloggers, in fact, are scum."
And remember, they run a blog.
The information that drew them to this conclusion was a set of emails between Perez and Jose Martinez, a publicist at Harrison & Shriftman (which handles PR for Playboy’s parties), where Perez acted as if he was god.
See what Perez is really like by clicking on the below link.
"Perez Hilton Makes Us Hate Ourselves" - Gawker.com
View this article >>>
And thanks to nunya for this link, which was posted on Gawker's site a week or so after the above one. It's chalked with, well, what'd you'd expect to see on Perez's online gay sex profile. Perez himself even took time out of his busy schedule to leave a comment on the site.
"The Secret Life of Perez Hilton" - Gawker.com
View this article >>>
Click here to go straight to the profile screenshot >>>
And then of course that article led us to this more recent online profile of Perez's. My favorite quote has to be:"I love to work, be healthy and fit. Turn my body out! HA HA HA."
Click here to view his profile >>> - It was over a year ago, but even back then Perez was begging for money so he could keep his site running. But that's not the real story here, check out the comments. There are people out there that know what a scumbag Perez really is. In fact, I don't even want to make you wait, so here's a snippet of what you'll find:
"He got run out of L.A. because he is a meth addict and a thief. The boy had the gumption to steal a check from a friend's apartment and then deposit it into his own account as a third-party check. Like his ass wouldn't get caught."
"Save Perez Hilton!" - SocialiteLife.com
View this article >>> - Instead of commenting on this one, I'll just give you a clip from it:
"He’s repugnant, phony, and petty — and those are his most redeeming qualities. Indeed, he is to gossip blogs what Matt Drudge is to political ones: a vainglorious, self-absorbed twit, who substitutes his own brand of obvious wordplay and “OMIGOD He’s soooo gay!” musings for the observational wit and tawdry intelligence of bloggers like the folks at Gawker Media and Idontlikeyouinthatway."
"The (Nauseating) World According to Perez" - Pajiba.com
View this article >>> - As an FYI, his stupid idiotic spellings that he does online, I guess it carries over from the real world. Check out the first clip on this page.
Perez, what's does "ticture paken" mean? :P
View the clip >>> - This one's more for curiosity sake then anything...
Does anyone know what the hell PerezHilton.org is all about?!? I found it in my travels, and I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the subject.
Go to PerezHilton.org >>> - And last but not least, here's the petition to ban Perez from the Internet. I couldn't leave this one out :)
View or Sign the petition >>>
Oh, and enjoy the links :)
[ by Anonymous, 6/17/2006 --
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omg!!! i cant' believe the shit he said in that first article!
does he think he's untouchable???
gossip on the gossiper, that's awesome!
I think I'm going to wet myself!
Good job PoorAss! I hadn't seen any of this stuff before.
Is it just me or does perezhilton.org seem like the place where perez's whores post gossip for him to sift through and post on his site?
This stuff is priceless!
Too bad you have to open an account before you can sign the petition though.
hahaa ticture paken!
he has the most annoying voice ever
i thought u didn't want to spend that much "time" on this blog?
u starting to enjoy the attention, dont u?
i still can't believe perez said some of that stuff :( the emails with that pr guy were just harsh
i actually came here to tell you what a loser you were for starting this site but now i am just now sure what to think. maybe you're on to something here.
Well giddy up, Poorass! Nice work!
Oh yeah, for those of you who hadn't seen this stuff before, you can go to fadedyouth.blogspot.com
This guy HATES Perez and has some pretty nice pics and articles about him in the archives. I am sure you can do a search for Perez on his site and read til your heart's content.
Not trying to plug his site or anything but he really does have some good reading on our dear fatty Perez.
He's also been a bankrupt too.
Wait for Paris to dump him and it's going to be alllllll ovah.
That Gawker article was nothing compared to the one they posted a week or so later. This one http://www.gawker.com/news/perez-hilton/the-secret-life-of-perez-hilton-161328.php was pretty wild.
Perez even posted in the comments section for that one.
Oh look at Perez when he was all young and skinny :)
I wanna see what PA looks like ;)
Me too, V!
Me too, V!
Hehehe - come on the PA, you're in demand! ;)
I just watched the "ticture paken" clip, that cracked me up. Bless him and his backwards English :)
And I think perezhilton.org is some random blogger that just has no imagination. Perez's website isn't even in the gossip links! The cheek...
Man o Man You Sooo Peppered!!!
Barf! You made my day! AGAIN!!!
This guy I know actually hired Perez to do some PR work for his company (I can't say what type of company because it will become very obvious)....I'll have to ask him if he has any dirt and I'll post it here if I find out any.
So he has HIV?
I'm retarded.
The meth and the stealing of the check rumour is golden!
haha! lavandeira means washlady or the person who washes your clothes......maybe he should just go do that instead
Thank God for this Blog!!!!! I hate hate Perez!! Please keep this site up and expose the truth that is obvious to all, Perez is a tweeker star kiss ass. BTW I actually hear he likes to bareback! Thats why he hates Clay Gaiken soo much, He sees a lot of himself in Clay. Oh and my spy tells me Perez is a bottom. Keep commenting on Perez's site, thats how I found this site!!
I love this:
Latina/Latino, White/European
I am Latino yet White. 100 % Cuban.
Is he really that stupid? You can't be white/European and 100% Cuban at the same time. I swear he was dropped on his head one too many times as a baby.
I am gobsmacked that someone would dedicate a site to this. It's very sad that you take Perez Hilton so seriously, who else does? He's a gossip columist for god's sake. You are a waste of time. Sad.
To the creator of this site, about the post which stated that Perez is a thief and ect. People make mistakes and he made a mistake. Why still rag on him? Unless he is still a stealing meth addict. His site is for entertainment purposes. This is what he enjoys doing; and people enjoy reading it. If you dont, then dont log on. Are you one of his exs?
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