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The End For PoorAss, But The Site Will Live On |
As much fun as I've had setting this site up and playing with blogger, it's gotten to the point where it's taking up way too much time... time I'm not going to have starting next week. However, I'm in the process of getting someone else that will keep the site alive, so don't worry you'll still have somewhere to come and bitch about Perez.
For everyone that's posted a comment saying I'm not the right person to run this site, you're partially right. I've setup and run sites much bigger then Perez's, so I think I can handle a little blog like this... however, Perez just isn't worth the time and effort, plain and simple. He's a useless bottom feeder that's eventually going to get what he deserves, and that makes me happy enough.
Also, for everyone that's going to say things like, "See, we finally made him crack by telling him he sucks and that he shouldn't be running this site", you couldn't be more off. If you go back and check the comments on the first posts on this site 2 weeks ago you'll see me talking about passing the site off to someone else. So don't kid yourself and think you're the reason I'm doing this. My intentions were clear from the beginning.
Contrary to what some of you seem to believe, I'm not some crazy, psychopathic stalker that's on a mission to ruin Perez. Sure I wouldn't mind if people saw him for the sellout and biased meth junkie that he is, but I could care less if I'm the one that exposes him.
So I guess that about wraps it up. For everyone that's come out to support the site, thanks! I'll definitely be visiting from time-to-time to see what Perez has been up to.
PoorAss Hilton
PS - If you're new to this site and don't know how or why this site started, just go here and read the welcome message.
[ by Anonymous, 6/26/2006 --
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Thanks for breaking my heart you BASTID! Well thanks for keeping the site up, and I hope the torch is passed to someone who's as even tempered as have been. No one can blame you for not wanting to dwell on the most craptastic blowhard on the interwebbies.
Good luck and thanks for the laughs, this site has been way more entertaining than GayShamu's any day.
Oh..the pain!!!
(cue Mommie Dearest voice) WHHHHHYYYYYYYY?????
Love what you have created. I can understand that you have other, more pressing duties. Thanks for giving us a place to vent about Perez and his sell-out antics.
Brilliant. Cheers, mate!
"See, we finally made him crack by telling him he sucks and that he shouldn't be running this site!!"
just teasing ;)
poorass i gave you a lot of flack i reckon, but if you listened to me carefully i was trying to communicate to you why the way you went about things was doing absolutely nothing to expose perez. it's the same thing with people who constantly talk trash about paris "herpes vagina" on all the blogs, and then are surprised to see her career thrive. she too has been written off a thousand of times (what they say about bad publicity in hollywood) and she keeps growing.
i guess the haters just don't want to hear opposing views cause they're more interested in hating than winning, so knock yourselves out.
Your exactly the person the rest of us are laughing at. Sadly you are to clueless to realize what a sheep you are. You never made an opposing view, try reading some of the articles, a single digit IQ could have caught on, but not you.
Saying some who's talked about in such demeaning ways as Paris and Perez doesn't mean they are famous for a talent. They are held up as examples of human trash, or the equivelant of a train wreck.
Again if you had any reading comprehension you would see he's got to beg to get in to parties, speaking of which even though Paris got a VF cover she and her family were turned away from the Oscar party. Nobody who's anybody wants to be associated with her. Or Perez.
That's not fame, it's shame. A cautionary tale. We just laugh about it.
wow! i didn't think poorass was serious about leaving but i guess he (or she) was.
i wonder if this site will be the same now.
Say it ain't so PoorAss, say it ain't so!
PoorAss, as much as it distresses me to bid you adieu, your bottom line is correct -- Perez isn't worth the time or effort. This blog has been great fun but someone as smart and together as you seem to be is better served doing something else. Thanks for the insights as well as the laughs.
When I have time over the next week or so I'm going to be getting all the account information together to give to them (along with making sure I didn't leave any traces of my true identity on the accounts), but in the meantime I'm going to be setting it up so that they can start posting.
Just curious PoorAss, why did you add the part I bolded? it's a very odd thing to say.
Here's to the new webmaster, I hope he or she kicks ass and brings this site up to its true potential. Thanks to PoorAss for getting it off the ground.
This is one Hilton I would hate to see lave.. but if its for the best then... don't worry.. we'll always remember you.... you're the Founder!
Sadly you are to clueless to realize what a sheep you are. You never made an opposing view, try reading some of the articles, a single digit IQ could have caught on, but not you.
i did, but poorass deleted my comments. my opposig view is that this site is not doing what it's supposed to. it should help people see that perez doesn't matter as much as they think, and that they don't have to hang on by everything they say.
this is only MY opinion, but i think if you want to cut down perez to a size here are some things you should start doing:
1) ignore him - do not talk about him anywhere, do not spread his url or his name. he relies on people like u to help put his name out there on the net.
2) Do not post comments on his blog. not a single word or a dot, and you'll see that many of his posts will mark 0,1 or 3 comments soon.
3) If you cannot help abstaining, say something positive about the people he trashes realize that if you bash a celeb in concert with him you only help him out. so if he's rude, do not even address him and complain "perez why?"..just say something really sweet, calm and mature and it will ruin it for losers commenting after.
4) banish these words from your vocabulary "perez said".."perez did". none of what perez says or does matter. his opinion on your favorite celeb is only that. so stop addressing him, or reporting what he does to other people.
5) who he hangs out with doesn't matter don't throw a tantrum when he hangs out with paris or lindsay. just don't give a fuck! he's completely playing with your minds and you give his associations more importance that it has. who gives a shit? if you stopped getting mad when he posts about him and paris, he would have nothing to live on again.
get over your hatred for paris because it's fueling the comments and drama on his site. if he posts or doesn't about paris, don't give a shit. and if you gotta say something about her just say something nice again.
basically all my suggestions are to take away the power that people have handed out to perez. STOP placing so much
no offense taken poorass ;) you prolly mistook me for the enemy because i was challenging you a lot, but my goal was to move your position to where you weren't so overtaken by your dislike of perez that
yes i know he's annoying, but i'm way more annoyed by the way some people allow themselves to be annoyed by him. you lose your power when you get angry..against anyone!
this blog is a little better now that people are taking it with a grain of salt.
PAH what will I do without you?! Our banter was good fun while it lasted, I can't believe you are leaving me. I don't know if you'll even get this message - I'm writing from Tenerife - I've been on holiday for a week and you go and give up on me. Unbelievable. Oh well - good luck with everything, maybe someday our paths will cross again ;)
Lots and lots of love with a generous helping of abuse for good measure,
Verity x
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