PoorAss Hilton
(aka. Paris Hilton's Newest Fashion Accessory)

PerezHilton.com -- Now with 10% real content!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

"Britney: Return of the Wig"  (view)

AAAAAHAHAHAHHAHA. Perez, stop, you're gonna make me pee a little.

"As PerezHilton.com was the first to exclusively report, Britney Spears has taken to wearing a wig out in public recently."

AAHAHAHAHAHAH.. Oh god, sorry, I can't stop laughing. Perez, this is the worst fuckin' "exclusive" in the history of, well, ANYWHERE! Britney wears a wig to hide from the media, WHAT A SHOCKER!! As I said a few days ago, this is nothing new, and is by no means news worthy. Celebrities have been wearing wigs and changing their appearance FOREVER!

I guess she "pulled another Paris" eh Perez? hahahaha

     [ by Anonymous, 6/22/2006   --


At June 22, 2006 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol.... poorass, keep crackin' the whip...

At June 22, 2006 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm getting a huge kick out of the fact that he stole the Brit photos from Gawker.


I saw them hours before at Dlisted, who always credits who he steals stuff from... ;)


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