Since her blog doesn't allow anon comments and I am way too lazy to sign up just to make a comment, I will leave it here.
Do you not see the irony in the fact that you just created a blog to post about a blog that you hated, and that's exactly the same thing that poorass hilton did?? LOL what a loser you are!
Does anyone else think this is an angry, bitter, little man who has a boy crush on a little ostrich faced big hook nosed, wonky eyed, herpes ridden heiress?
Just sayin' it seems like something Perez would do because he certainly can't confront you on his own tore up site now.
He's going to have to disable his comments now, honestly it's an embarASSment now.
I seriously cannot deal with Perez anymore. He is a lost cause. After seeing his last post, the pic of him, Paris and some other drunk asses, I clearly see there's no going back for him. Paris has sucked him right in, so that he won't write about her, and it worked, he never bashes her.
I am not going back to his site or else I'll puke. I am sick to death of seeing Paris' WONKY-EYE.
This site is the best thing to ever happen. Perez is a C-list leech, and for some reason-he thinks that makes him a gift to the world. If I cared about Paris Hilton's day-to-day activities, or what Amanda Bynes (I mean-COME ON, she's not even C-List) was up to, that would be the site for me. Unfortunately, even my life in Wisconsin is more interesting. Keep it coming, PoorAss!
I think the person who created the anti-PoorAss blog has a point. Because as much as I'd love to see a serious anti-Perez site, I'm not sure you're the one to do it.
You bitch and moan about this place taking up too much of your time. Your spelling and sentence structure is as bad as Perez himself. You admit that you proofread your posts AFTER you post them -- WTF? You tediously answer comment after comment, line by freaking line, of the dumbest commentators, ignoring the few people who comment with intelligent or interesting things. And instead of reporting/blogging on anything substantial, you just keep calling Perez some variation of pig/loser/suckup/idiot, as if THAT is news. And, perhaps worst of all, this site is just not funny.
You seem like a nice person, PoorAss, but I think maybe you're in over your head. I'm sorry if what you started as a lark is turing out to be bigger than you ever suspected, but either step up and quit bitching or hand the reins off to someone else.
Gee, you take constructive criticism so well! I honestly didn't mean to insult or upset you. I think you've got a good thing going here -- it's just a bit amateurish. Of course, that is just my opinion. But since you chose to respond to my politely-worded comment by calling me names like "dillhole," I can't hope for much improvement here. Yes, please do ignore posts like mine and instead attend only to people who either say they love you, or that you're jealous of Perez. Fun while it lasted. Take care and good luck, kid.
Ahhh, typical Perez. There's some negative gossip about Lindsay Lohan being a beotch to her stylist making the rounds today, but of course there's no mention of it anywhere on Perez's site.
Perez is such a petty little bitch. He's now deleting every comment I post on his site within a day (at most), whether or not it contains the URL to this site.
Monday, June 26th
I've added a contact form to the site! If you want to email me just click on the Contact PoorAss link below this window.
Monday, June 26th
The site just crept over the 10,000 unique visitor mark in less than 2 weeks!
Thanks to everyone from Argentina, Canada, Malaysia, New Zealand, The Philippines, The United Kingdom, and last but not least, The United States.
Saturday, June 24th
Guinness just confirmed it... Perez is still the world's largest douche!
Saturday, June 24th
The Simple Life banner and background are both gone from Perez's site now.
Awww, is he having a fight with his Parisite?
Friday, June 23rd
There's something wrong with Perez's commenting system right now (big surprise, I know).
I was able to post 7 comments on 7 different articles without waiting in between submissions.
Go have some fun! :)
Thursday, June 22nd
Perez is at it again!
I posted my URL in the comments section for each of today's articles, but every single one of them has vanished.
Thursday, June 22nd
Well I had a "SECOND" today on this article, but of course Perez deleted it almost instantly.
Thursday, June 22nd
It looks like Perez has turned auto-linking off for comments on his site.
I guess too many (smart) people were clicking the links and leaving his site for good so he had to make them less noticeable.
Thursday, June 22nd
I added this "Quick Notes" section.
This will allow me to post quick little updates without needing to publish a new article for each one of them.
hahaha....the irony...
It's a blog a trois!
Since her blog doesn't allow anon comments and I am way too lazy to sign up just to make a comment, I will leave it here.
Do you not see the irony in the fact that you just created a blog to post about a blog that you hated, and that's exactly the same thing that poorass hilton did?? LOL what a loser you are!
Does anyone else think this is an angry, bitter, little man who has a boy crush on a little ostrich faced big hook nosed, wonky eyed, herpes ridden heiress?
Just sayin' it seems like something Perez would do because he certainly can't confront you on his own tore up site now.
He's going to have to disable his comments now, honestly it's an embarASSment now.
I seriously cannot deal with Perez anymore. He is a lost cause. After seeing his last post, the pic of him, Paris and some other drunk asses, I clearly see there's no going back for him. Paris has sucked him right in, so that he won't write about her, and it worked, he never bashes her.
I am not going back to his site or else I'll puke. I am sick to death of seeing Paris' WONKY-EYE.
Gross. I am going to bed. I feel nauseated.
This site is the best thing to ever happen. Perez is a C-list leech, and for some reason-he thinks that makes him a gift to the world. If I cared about Paris Hilton's day-to-day activities, or what Amanda Bynes (I mean-COME ON, she's not even C-List) was up to, that would be the site for me. Unfortunately, even my life in Wisconsin is more interesting. Keep it coming, PoorAss!
I think the person who created the anti-PoorAss blog has a point. Because as much as I'd love to see a serious anti-Perez site, I'm not sure you're the one to do it.
You bitch and moan about this place taking up too much of your time. Your spelling and sentence structure is as bad as Perez himself. You admit that you proofread your posts AFTER you post them -- WTF? You tediously answer comment after comment, line by freaking line, of the dumbest commentators, ignoring the few people who comment with intelligent or interesting things. And instead of reporting/blogging on anything substantial, you just keep calling Perez some variation of pig/loser/suckup/idiot, as if THAT is news. And, perhaps worst of all, this site is just not funny.
You seem like a nice person, PoorAss, but I think maybe you're in over your head. I'm sorry if what you started as a lark is turing out to be bigger than you ever suspected, but either step up and quit bitching or hand the reins off to someone else.
Gee, you take constructive criticism so well! I honestly didn't mean to insult or upset you. I think you've got a good thing going here -- it's just a bit amateurish. Of course, that is just my opinion. But since you chose to respond to my politely-worded comment by calling me names like "dillhole," I can't hope for much improvement here. Yes, please do ignore posts like mine and instead attend only to people who either say they love you, or that you're jealous of Perez. Fun while it lasted. Take care and good luck, kid.
Is that like dessicated?
Nobody ever said that Perez supporters were the sharpest knives in the drawer :)
I LOVE Perez you bastard :) But I also love you so I think that resharpens me, right? Hehe..
Are you ever planning to update this blog of yours? Bored quickly, eh?
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