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"Paris Challenged To A Duel" (view) |
Of course she's going to do it! That skank does anything that will get her picture taken, even if it means embarassing herself by getting absolutely thrashed by Clonie. Especially with the poker boom right now, you just know Parisite is gonna to jump on that bandwagon the first chance she gets.
I just hope Parisite realizes this is poker, not poke-her, which is something she's a bonafide pro at! She lets guys go all-in any chance she gets, and we all know she likes playing with the nuts.
[ by Anonymous, 6/22/2006 --
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I tried to post a comment on Perez's site about how I couldn't care about this and was hoping for a real duel with weapons.
Seems my bad Scottish mouth caused Perez to ban the comment. What ?? Perez can't have people say such negative things about rotten crotch?
i can't believe i just laughed at your poker jokes. i'm such a dork!
they were amusing though!
So this is what Perez has resorted to. He used to trash-talk her, now he won't say ANYTHING bad about her, but he posts useless crap like this about her.
Does any of us actually CARE what Paris does?????
God, he's a tool. And I hate him.
Oooooh! I have a new favorite blog. Thank you for doing this. That asswipe needs to get put back in his place.
PoorAss, et al:
Please read this very intersting post that I foun on FatElvis.com:
Imasmuch as Perez is posting under phony names again in his pathetic attempt to ridicule me, I state the following for the record:
I am a real celebrity, with two Oscars under my belt among other things, and I attend many of the events that Perez bloviates about. At these events, Perez IS the fat kid in the fucked up clothing, wandering around, looking for someone who will talk to him, and begging for free drink tickets and a ride home.
I first fucked Paris Hilton when she was 18. She didn't have herpes then. She was a hooker who called herself "Tiffany"." She worked an apartment brothel off Sunset. Her attraction was that if you were on the A list, she would fuck and suck you without making you wear a condom, which is probably how she contracted herpes.
Everyone despises Paris because, deep down, she is merely a whore. Oddly enough, she is the only person who will talk to Perez at these events. Talk about Dr. and Mrs. Strangelove!
So know the truth, teenieboppers...Perez Hilton is a fraud.
PS - when Perez attempts to dance, his fat belly slaps violently against his man tits. We all laugh at his fat, spasmotic ass. The poor faggot couldn't get laid with an American Express black card stapled to his forehead
It maybe a real celeb or not... but it is fucking hilarious regardless.
Well this is certainly very interesting. There aren't that many celebrities with two oscars.
i can't find the blog fat elvis
lol this is cute, and perez hilton's ego must be bursting by now because its like, wow someone created a hate site about him! usually only celebs get that! which is pretty kwl. but wtv, this is still pretty kwl
What is Perez gonna do now that www.pinkisthenewblog.com is moving from Detroit to LA?
This towns only big enough for one gay, celebrity obsessed, former high school geek, Latino blogger with a pink website.
And Hollywood can be so fickle.
Oh well, I hear Orange Julius is hiring. Maybe Perez can sell smoothies to make ends meet while Trent kicks it with Paris Hilton, driving her to Walgreens to pick up her Herpecin L refill and other fun stuff.
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