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Not For The Faint Of Heart! |
Faded Youth/Celebrity Terrorist and Oh No They Didn't have both posted articles about our dear friend Perez today. I'm not exactly sure which one was first, as FY/CT doesn't show a timestamp, so I'll give both of the links here. (UPDATE: Faded Youth/Celebrity Terrorist was the original source of this story).
These articles show Perez's active online dating profile, including pics that are so old you might not even recognize the guy, along with pictures of his, well, you know what. My eyes are still burning.
If you want the "unit optional" version of the pictures you might want to check out the Faded Youth article.
"In their AIM chat (which I have a word-for-word copy of), Perez claimed they were recent. And by recent I think he means many moons and many Twinkies ago. He later went on to say he's looking for bareback sex and suggested smoking crystal meth -- though he didn't have the goods or the means of acquiring it himself."
"PEREZ HILTON EXPOSED" - Faded Youth/Celebrity Terrorist
"HAHA Perez goes Pete Wentz's Style!" - Oh No They Didn't
I can't even comment on this shit... the pictures and writeups on these two sites say it all (and show it all, unfortunately).
Thanks to *tara, Ms. X, Poptart501 & Jen for sending this stuff in!
[ by Anonymous, 6/26/2006 --
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This article is great....
thank you, oh thank you. i'mma really enjoying this article! :)
I think I'm going to be sick :(
I am glad that somebody did this, I have been mulling over the idea of starting a blog to muse over the antics of not only Perez, but all of these other people who clearly do not know what to do with their money.
Unfortunately, like a bad case of chicken pox that I keep scratching until I scab, I am addicted in a sick sort of way to Mario's site. Not because he has any "real" news (but again is gossip mongoring "news") but mostly because it is humourous to me.
Why is it humourous? Because he is SO full of himself no wonder he is as tubby as he is. Because I think that his tongue must have sores on it from all of that ass licking it does. Because it is sooo clear that the "celebrity" friends that he has just want good press. I haven't read any news on his site, that isn't offered on some other gossip sites first. The only firsts he posts are the ones where he is involved, and that isn't news, that is just some dude at a party showing pictures of himself with his "friends". Totally lame.
Still, like any addict, I keep going back to see what trash comes out of Marios mouth.
I might be jealous that Perez funds an apartment on each side of the country, however I wouldn't sell my soul to get that.
I don't like him or hate him. I just think that he thinks that he is way cooler than he actually is, and for some reason, that annoys me.The only original thing he has done is...hmmm....yea. I guess there isn't any originality.
June 26, 2006 4:25 PM
^ lol funny post
sadly..you're the reason why Perez haters will never succeed in taking him down. with just one post you managed to 1)prove that you're not better than him, if not more vile and hainous 2) provided him the argument that he's justified in doing what he does.
sorry but most perez haters are not consistent with themselves, that's why they'll never succeed in convincing anyone that their way is better. in fact your work is very conterproductive which is why perez keeps getting bigger and bigger.
I have to agree with the first poster....
MY EYES!!!!!!!!! I have gone blind from the trauma!!!!!!
To the poster above me ^^^:
Much Music is crappy anyway. They swarm to him like flies to sh*t.
fadedyouth posted the story, ONTD credited FY as their source.
***sorry but most perez haters are not consistent with themselves, that's why they'll never succeed in convincing anyone that their way is better. in fact your work is very conterproductive which is why perez keeps getting bigger and bigger. *****
He's not getting bigger or better, he's now turning to plagiarism to boost his weak out put - not the first or the last time.
He's lost many advertisers, even his BBF's banner ad for The Simple Life. *boo hoo*
The amount of people commenting has dropped significantly, and most of the comments are outright attacks on Senor Fatass.
No other bloggers link him anymore, he's a pariah in the blogsphere.
You are very observant are you? He's going down, and fast.
Oh and Hi Peereez, nice of you to try to skew reality!!
He's lost many advertisers, even his BBF's banner ad for The Simple Life. *boo hoo*
Have you not noticed that he upped his prices a few months ago? or that other bloggers are struggling to bring in sponsors despite huge traffic?
The amount of people commenting has dropped significantly, and most of the comments are outright attacks on Senor Fatass.
True. But is he losing popularity? Nope. People still read his content. this blog certainly hangs on to every word he says and analyzes it!
No other bloggers link him anymore, he's a pariah in the blogsphere.
They still talk about him which is the same thing. And as an avid internet surfer i can tell you that i see his name/site pop more than ever on forums. you'll just have to take my word for it I guess.
You are very observant are you? He's going down, and fast.
Not as long as you villify him and help spread his gospel.
"True. But is he losing popularity? Nope. People still read his content. this blog certainly hangs on to every word he says and analyzes it!"
You are really deluded if you believe that people hang on to his every word and analyze it. He STEALS from everywhere else. The times I've read him I'm driven to point out that his material was either stolen or made up.
Perez is a joke. Few bloggers link him because they realize he's a thief and has worthless content.
Apparently you don't understand "unique visits" to a web page. You can raise your rates to the roof but without unique traffic you are worthless, which is why he's got little or no advertising, which is how he earns a living, the rest of the things he does aren't paying gigs. So he's a broke ass blogger.
Sorry you sit around and analyze anything that idiot says or thinks, honestly he's the shame of the Tisch School. Nobody else is analyzing what Perezzle is saying, he's a mong.
As far as linking, and talking shit about someone, yeah there is a BIG difference. Perhaps one to subtle for you?
I have a question about his personal ad *gag* WTF is pig play? or WD?
Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Plaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! *snicker* So appropriate.
The review of his site at Pajiba is great...
Brandon's NO1 fansite on the NETTE!
And for the record, a newer article I saw said 600,000, so his traffic's definitely gone down.
Hold up -- you saw an article that said Perez's numbers are down and you didn't link to it here? Whyever not? Don't you think that's something that Perez haters might be interested in?
Could you at least please provide a link to this article now?
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