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Honestly, someone needs to put a sock in it..... |

Ugh. Mr.PeePee has bloated again. He linked an interview on his site to the blog "andPOP...pop culture with susbstance". Right there, I am curious about why they are featuring the Pretzle....where is the substance? But then again, when I think of pop, and I think annoying, inccesant subjects that neither have the staying power or the flavor of something with more longevity.
The title of the article is PerezHilton:Not just a Blogger (well at least they got that right - he is also a kiss ass, a wannabe, a posuer, an elvis impresonator, a liar, a thief, a lollipop head....) and here are some of the modest words straight from the horses mouth:
"Perez Hilton grabs my tape recorder and puts it close to his mouth."So you can get every juicy word I say," laughs Perez, lounging on a leather couch at the Drake Hotel in Toronto. "'Cause everything I have to say is soooo important. Everything!"
And the sad thing is that he and his minions probably actually believe this!
"At first when I would go to events and introduce myself as Perez Hilton I thought it was kind of lame, that I should just say I'm Mario. But now I'm like oh, fuck it. Perez created opportunity for me. There's nothing to be ashamed of, or embarrassed of and people like Perez. Some people hate him too, but who cares?" he laughs.
I bet he cares, if he didn't why would would those emails get written up and shown on Gawker?? Let's all admit what we know, he HATES it that people don't like him.
"Lindsay has dabbled in Kabbalah before," Perez chatters about gal-pal Lohan's latest friendship with Madonna. "Shit, I wouldn't mind being taken under Madonna's wing either. I would learn from Madonna. Madonna, make me your Kabbalah bitch. Just don't take my money. They want like 10 per cent of my income. I'm not giving you 10 per cent of my income. Shit, you should be happy I'm promoting your brand."
I am not even touching this one. To mess with the Madge even in jest just can't be smart....
"I'm serious about spinning. I want to learn to be a DJ. DJ Perezelle. I'm serious about that. I will do it when I come to Toronto, so people book me! Book me!"I really was talking to someone about DJ'ing," he claims. "So who knows? I don't really know how to DJ, but who cares, I'll learn on the job."
Pop Me! I am Mr.P's inflated head! (an interview with Jennifer Weatherhead)
Whoreanusly yours,
Ms. PoorAss Hilton
[ by Anonymous, 6/27/2006 --
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"I'm serious about spinning. I want to learn to be a DJ"
hahahahahaha, that's the funniest thing I have read all day.
I wanna see Madge tear him a new one ;)
perezhilton.com reeks
He needs a new job- the blogging thing isn't paying well, and he probably thinks if he spins he get free booze and coke while he works.
The sad thing is he really believes his own b.s. I smell fear.
First of all I want to give big ups to our lovely Ms. PoorAss Hilton, and want to tell her to enjoy the calm before the storm because this site will probably blow up for serious very soon. I know you can handle it Ms. PAH! We got your back.
As for Peerez and this quote from the andpop.com article
"I wanted it to come about, so I had a concept for a show and I auditioned production companies," he explains. "I met with people that did a bunch of reality shows, but I ended up going with this great production company called World of Wonder. They've done 'Show Biz Moms and Dads,' 'The Eyes of Tammy Faye,' 'Inside Deep Throat,' 'Party Monster,' so they do these cool, campy, queer, edgy, fun stuff."
World of Wonder is cool and campy, most def. The guys who run WOW, Randy Barbato and Fenton Bailey, may be "queer, edgy" and "fun," but they are not fools. They revealed the adorable side of Tammy Faye, yes, but they could just as handily reveal the sleazy side of Perez --best of all, by letting Perez indict himself with his own careless words.
WOW are serious documentarians. Perez is one foolish mofo to be so oblivious.
so confused as to why perez thinks madge should be 'happy he's pomoting her...' that's ridiculous. it's as if he's got some sort of idea that he's bigger than madonna. shyeah right, jackhole.
Hah! Ms. PAH rocks!
Don't worry, girl -- your intelligence and fun nature shine right thru any typos. :)
I'm so excited for the future of this site now! Perez should send us a fruit basket just for considering him worthy of analysis.
Maybe it's pig play I smell? *hahahahhaha* I still want that explained to me.
Maybe Pereeezzzzle will Pig Play while he spins, that I would pay to see! *ahahhahahahaaha*
Ms Poorass rawks!
Oh GOD, I googled it. I... am... stunned...
I didn't think he/it could get any worse, but friends, it does... it really does.
*curls up in the fetal position*
Spinderella is taken so here are some alternatives for Piggezle:
DJ Mario Oink, DJ Pork Rinds, DJ Pigfeet, DJ Hamstah the gangstah, DJ Sweatglands, DJ Vulture ridden carrion, DJ Pear shaped body, DJ GAy, DJ Lancelovah, DJ Tard, DJ Brokeback brokeass, DJ Crackhead, DJ Poor Page Layout,DJ Bragger, DJ Couch surfer, DJ Ramen noodles, DJ Miss Pushy,DJ Chk Kyter, DJ shit talker,DJ Begs A Lot O Swag, DJ hanger on, DJ Unsexy...
... DJ Pig Play!!
The fade youth site has vitriolic hatred of all the Peerez. It's great, oddly now that I am looking around, which I never did before, there are krillions of blogging sites that hate him. He's truly one of the most hated people on the net.
It's interesting how many different stories are out there about what a loser chump he is.
I was censored on Pihizzles comments. *I guess I made him cwy*
So naturally I went by his joke of a forum. It's one cultish cow doing 95% of ALL the posts. Kind of freaky. Wanna bet she has a mullet?
" They've done 'Show Biz Moms and Dads,' 'The Eyes of Tammy Faye,' 'Inside Deep Throat,' 'Party Monster"
Am I the only one that's never heard of ANY of thse shows until now?
Perez WANTS you to ring him up on the telephone!
(also known as Perez)
lives at:
WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90046 (323) 822-0392
This may be outdated:
NEW YORK, NY 10014
(212) 352-2033
Now that you have his phone number, call Perez and let him know what you think of:
-His outing other homosexuals
-His surly responses to fans
-His rapidly expanding waistline
-His self loathing
-Paris "Herpes" Hilton
-His claims of heterosexual activity with Vanessa
-His fear of Tyson Beckford
-His legal difficulties regarding stolen checks
It's peppered to call Perez - call him tonight!
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