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Pukishly "Pig Play" Perez |

“I get stories because people know that I will never lie, or make things up, or pay for information. I apply a journalistic standard to my work.”~Perez Hilton
Whoreanusly yours,
Ms. PoorAss Hilton
[ by Anonymous, 6/28/2006 --
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He looks like he's really trying to look tough in that picture. Like really trying. Ick. He probaby can't see his purposely bought retro sneakers.
"i will never lie"
HAHAHAHAHA, that's a lie in itself.
I detest him.
He´s a big fat joke, she should be banned. have you seen the captions she writes on the celebrity pictures, they are way too tacky, even for him. You would think that if a man is gay, he should be more interesting, but he is the exception that confirms the rule!!!!
His clothes look filthy. He's standing at a 3/4 turn and holding that phreak photo up to cover his fatness.
What's pathologically most bizarre about Perezzle is his compulsion to try and "Out" celebrities he thinks/assumes/wishes are homosexual. Um. Clearly he has no stable intimate relationships of his own, so he spends hours and hours focusing and speculating on others. It's actually quite sad...he should invest 1% of the time bagging on Lance Bass (and btw, who CARES if he's gay or straight? Hopefully he's just happy and fulfilled w/ or w/out Reichen!)and find his OWN soulmate. Maybe then Pepperezzle wouldn't be so pathetically vindictive + insecure about other people's private relationships...n'est-ce pas?
ok, ok I'll hide in the shadows no longer...that was MY comment before about Mr. Mario and the pathetic sublimation of his own lovelife by attacking others and taking it upon himself to "Out" 'em all, gay or straight. Lance Bass in particular.
LOVE the site, btw. Please keep on doing that voodoo that you do, Ms. P!
I hate how he wants to get everybody out of the closet, he gets so excited thinking about people who may or not be gay. He sounds desperate,I mean, has he nothing more interesting to post? God he is pathetic!!!
I wasn't aware until you posted, my dear MPaH that we could post other than anonymous if we didn't have a blogger account. Thank you for clearing my head on that.
Saints preserve us, I can't get the "pig play" out of my head!
he's so fulll of shyt, i mean, really!!
Good lord, he actually SAID that?!
Was that in an article somewhere? An interview?
This fat douch bag was nothing more than an out-of-work actor who told many a friend only two years ago that he was thinking of committing suicide. In fact, he said as much at the end of 2005 on his own website.
He's a bottom feeder (that goes for being a bottom himself) who is the very soul of being an outsider who will NEVER be invited to the real party.
Yeah. "Journalistic standard." Do journalistic standards really include plagiarism? Or swiping material from other sources uncredited? PH is such a nervy twit.
Perez WANTS you to ring him up on the telephone!
(also known as Perez)
lives at:
WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90046 (323) 822-0392
This may be outdated:
NEW YORK, NY 10014
(212) 352-2033
Now that you have his phone number, call Perez and let him know what you think of:
-His outing other homosexuals
-His surly responses to fans
-His rapidly expanding waistline
-His self loathing
-Paris "Herpes" Hilton
-His claims of heterosexual activity with Vanessa
-His fear of Tyson Beckford
-His legal difficulties regarding stolen checks
It's peppered to call Perez - call him tonight!
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