Happy 4th - a Repost of My 2 Cents |
Pretzle is the Winner!!! The Pretz has landed.
I am not totally agreeing with his supposed hatred of blacks. I think it is much more simple than that. I think he hates anyone who doesn't love his site. Plain and simple. He is wishy washy. One day he calls Janet fat, the next he touts her hot bod. He always loves Beyonce. Tyson, well obviously Pretzle hit on him or something and that is why the disdain.
Pretzle is a poseur. That is the worst degrading comment my friends and I could think of. Even worse than "cum guzzling gutter slut" which came really, really close. He might be that too, but bottom line, he is a wannabe poseur.
POSEUR: One who affects a particular attribute, attitude, or identity to impress or influence others.
LMAO. Sooooo the Pretz.
Whoreanusly yours,
Ms. PoorAss Hilton
[ by Anonymous, 7/04/2006 -- |
You're my hero, Miss P! I love you!
reiterate my offer to perform cunnilingus on you until you experience multiple orgasms. As you know, I was trained by a lesbian and I am better than any lesbian. Every man has one area of expertise and this is mine. I make this offer without implication that you can't find a man or woman to do this to you yourself - although I doubt you can find anyone else who can bring you to a simultaneous vaginal/clitoral multiple orgasms. Rather, I appreciate your efforts in running this site, and I have a sincere desire to taste you as you writhe in orgasm against my face.
Just tell me when and where and I will be there.
I thought you were going to compile the list of submitted names and allow the readership to VOTE???
Did I miss a POLL posting somewhere on the site?
When did we all decide on Pretzle???
I liked Poo-rez so much better........
Um, no... I'm fairly sure that Fatass has a bit of prejudice in him.
The thing that had me raising an eyebrow was a post he made 1-2 months ago about Star Jones. (URL: http://www.perezhilton.com/topics/star_jones/ding_dong_the_witch_is_dead_20060509.php) As a *gag*, he superimposed Star and her husband's face on the bodies of an African primitive tribe. Not sure exactly what the *joke* was, but the subtext was clear-- no matter how much blacks assimilate in American society, they will always be spear-chucking natives in sheepskins with plates in their lips.
He lets people post the most racist, vile trash on this blog even though he claims to be filtering them for content. Sorry, but between that picture and the racist stuff that he doesn't filter on his entries, I'm not sold on the idea that he *really* isn't prejudiced and is just copping an attitude.
Perez is a sell-out, pure and simple.
He sold his soul and that makes him the lowest of the low.
Seriously, he used to trash Paris. Now that she wised up and made "friends" with him, he never says a word about her. She is the smart one, she knew if she made nice w/hiim, he'd never trash her.
Team Nicole!!!!!!
If he really wanted to use outing as a tool for good he would out closeted goverment officials who vote against gay marriage, instead of getting angry at someone and posting that they are gay after feeling humiliated by them. If he hadn't been such a hateful, loser poseur maybe Lance would have at least said hi instead of ignoring him at Sundance or the Replay party.
After the Tyson happening I wouldn't be surprised if the poseur continued writing snotty blurbs about him.
yeah...he needs new people to "out". that doesn't seem so fair in a community that's already ridiculed (putting it lightly) by many for being "out". especially being gay himself -- where's the love?!
The Pee-retzle may have helped the very irritating Vanessa Minnillo one step closer to losing her job. From Gawker:
Page Six reported yesterday of an interesting fracas at Chelsea club Stereo: Entertainment Tonight correspondent and MTV VJ Vanessa Minnillo was pleasantly dancing with her posse of cleavage-happy gals when model Tyson Beckford started dancing with her, no doubt showing off his professional-level freak skills. Gossip blogger Mario Lavendeira, ever-ready to fetch drinks and defend the honor of various C-listers, saw Beckford's unwanted advances and intervened, putting a "cool" on Beckford's "steam." The two almost came to blows. Over Vanessa Minnillo. Oh, the woes of holiday gossip.
Anywho: the entire night (complete with photo documentation courtesy of Lavandeira) probably won't bode well with Entertainment Tonight execs. The suits are rumored to be less than thrilled with Millanno, whose personal life is overshadowing her compelling reporter persona. See, they don't want her to be a celebrity -- they want her to be journalist. In which case they might want to rethink their entire show.
Gawker Link
Page Six Link
way to go, Mario
Just wanted to say I love your site. Pear-ass spreads homophobia like Paris spreads her legs. Much needed site, keep it up and force the dirty MOFOS out.
I can't wait for someone to sue Marioioio for defamation and slander. Like one more post on Tom Cruise and his gayness and *pow* - right back in bankruptcy court.
Notice that Perez also didn't making any postings regarding Tori Spelling and the magazine incident. You see it on ever other site, yet he has written nothing. God, he really sells out for his "friends" doesn't he?
The problem is Mario can only do a BK once a decade. Damn that internship in banking!
I like the idea of outting government officials who are gay and vote against equal rights! Brilliant!!!
All and all today's read leaves me to believe that slooooowly people will realize hanging out with him is going to kill their careers, when he's used and abused them, he'll move on because he's a social leech. Leech tard, excuse me.
Why the guys at wow are even bothering with him is beyond me, they are so talented and Mario's so... not. Perhaps they will do a hachet job on him and that will be a thing of beauty.
I think Ms Poorass was making a play on Perez's habit of doing the same thing (as I wrote in one of my interviews with him), where he invites submissions to name a celebrity, or celebrity couple, and gets hundreds of submissions, and then goes ahead and does whatever HE wants anyway ( with absolute disregard for what his readers request). He usually picks the fucking lamest moniker, that HE'S made up, one that no-one even suggested in the first place.
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